Thursday, November 17, 2011

thesis statement

 Slums have a negative affect human population due to dirty water ,poor education, and few job opportunities

Monday, November 7, 2011

                                                                   fainl draft

During the 19th century, many capital cites and port cities became manufacturing centers, and

landless peasants and other lower classes and other lower classes seeking employment were attracted

to cities. Slums are a big population of people that are low classes in there states or country that go to a

town or a city that has any operating manufacturing work or job. Slums have a negative affect human

population due to dirty water ,poor education, and few job opportunities. Dirty water can get people

from slums sick and ill then school is missed .

Water is need for life and with out it people can die. A quote from source 4 two billion slum

dwellers by Elisabeth Eaves "By 2030,estimated of 5 billion of the 8.1billion people will live in

cities ,about 2 billion well lack clean water .With only 2 billion out of 8.1 billion people getting clean

water mast mean that a lot lack clean water. With more then 6 billion people not getting good water

there is no wander that people get sick, and when sick that mean no school, which mean low smarts


Poor education is never good and can stop people from getting jobs ."Slumwelers work as maids

and guards". This mean that they are low payed . That there is to many people in slums which

makes it hard to get money

With few jobs opportune which mean that people do not get jobs." near a railroad tacks workers pound

files and solder melt furniture". That lady says that people can life with 1 dollar means that they

problty get pay a dollar.

In the last century Urban areas have had grow so big that its area has been not able to do housing,

public services and the ability of city to proved jobs.Slums affect human population due to dirty water

poor education and few jobs operations.Dirty water can get any one sick and can effect some one

eduction which causes few jobs. This live would not be easy for an high class person